

Welcome to the Historium Bruges website. This website is offered to you by N.V. Historium te Brugge, Markt 1, 8000 Bruges, tel. +32 (0) 50 34 80 36, e-mail:, Crossroads Bank of Enterprises no. 0878.909.971.

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You expressly acknowledge that the presentation, content, brands and logos and all information and data displayed on the Historium website are protected by industrial and intellectual property rights and are and remain the property of the Historium.

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We hold all rights to the address and the trade name/brand ‘Historium’. Any other brands, products and trade names and company names mentioned on the website may belong to third parties.

You may not use the Historium website in a way that damages third parties or the image of the Historium. You may only consult the website for personal and non-commercial use.

The information that is provided on the website without any express guarantee may not be considered as being guaranteed. The Historium does not guarantee the correctness, completeness or appropriateness of this information, and may not be held liable for said information.

The information that is provided on the website, including the specifying of prices and rates, may not be considered as a legally binding offer of services or products. Agreements may only be brought about upon express confirmation by the Historium, and shall be regulated by the applicable contractual conditions. Payments may take place in the way that is set down on this website or in written documents issued by the Historium.

The Historium endeavours to keep the content of this website as current, accessible, accurate and complete as possible. It is however possible that the content of this site has become out of date, incomplete and/or inaccurate.


The Historium attaches a great deal of importance to the protection of privacy in the processing of data regarding users of this website. The Historium will therefore only collect and use personal data in the ways described below.

Every time this website is used, general profile information can be collected regarding the browsing behaviour of visitors. This information shall only be used to support technical decisions, statistical use analysis and optimisation of your user experience. This information shall never be used by us to identify individual people, or to directly connect it with other personal data at our disposal. Such information includes the IP address of the visitor, the number and duration of website users, which pages they visit and so on. In this use may also be made of so-called cookies, which are automatically exchanged via your browser. If you do not wish to receive any cookies, you can deactivate their use in your browser; consult your browser's user instructions to do this. Please note that in such cases we cannot guarantee the proper functioning of our website.

If you send your personal data to the Historium, including by ordering a ticket via the website, then this personal data will be processed by the Historium in order to fulfil your request. In the event of online payments for orders, use will be made of external payment services, which will hereby also process your data as required for the execution of the payment. In addition, your personal data may be used to keep you informed of the current and future activities of the Historium. If you would also like to be kept informed of the offer of other services or products from selected partners of the Historium, you can specify this by ticking the checkbox provided for this purpose on our website. Your personal data will then only be processed by the Historium or by individuals or organisations that are directly related to the Historium.

You have the right to ask us which personal data concerning you are in our possession, and where necessary to correct said data. You also have the right to indicate your opposition regarding the sending of further information concerning Historium activities. To exercise these rights or if you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, you can contact us via”

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